New Fan Works
Old Fan Works
Zelda Series
Site Info
Important Note: The stories posted on this page are part of the old archives from many years ago.
New stories are no longer added to this section. Any new work made after 2004 (with the exception of Kasuto's stories) are
put in the Post Your Own Work section.
General Legal Disclaimer: All the stories on this site are fan fiction and none of
the authors intend to profit off their stories or claim the Legend of Zelda as
their own. Hyrule, Link, Zelda, and other people, places, and things
specifically mentioned in games or official literature are property of the
Nintendo corporation and the authors use them without permission.
Content Disclaimer:
While most of the stories on this site are appropriate
for all readers, there are a few that are intended only for mature audiences. I
merely post these stories, and that doesn't necessarily mean that I like them,
or support any of the content in them. I leave the decision of what to include
in a story to the authors. That said, if you have a complaint about a particular
story or the content in it (e.g. excessive violence, or sexual content), you
must direct your complaint to the author. Except in cases of proven plagiarism,
I will not remove or censor stories unless that request comes from the author. I
take no responsibility for the content of these stories, or if you're offended
by them. Also, the ideas and opinions of the fanfics do not necessarily reflect
the values of the webmaster or staff of this site. The only fanfics whose
content I take responsibility for are the ones by me, Kasuto of
- These are some general tips for people who are
writing fanfics. I have proofread countless stories, and I often find a
lot of common errors in them. This article gives a list of the most
common errors in English grammar, as well as a few writing tips. Try
reading this before you start writing. It will make my job a lot easier.
- This is important information to know if you're
a fanfic writer. It is essentially a generalization of the section of
copyright law that applies to fan fiction.
- This is the complete text of the US laws
covering copyrights. This
link leads to the official website of the US Copyright Office.
Important note about submitting new fanfics:
I no longer have the time to manually accept fanfics by
email and post them to these pages. However, now anyone
can post their own story in the Post Your Own Work section.
Please register in that section if you want to post
your story.
Magaret Hogan |
- Link meets a thief in Kakariko Village, and he
begins to have strange feelings about her. He finds out that this girl
is very special. He must help her to escape from an abusive father, and
rescue her from a hellish existence.
words |
Maj Wrath 2000 |
- It is four years since Link saved Terminia from
the ancient evil of Majora's Mask. He has returned to Hyrule, believing
all is at peace. But when someone, or something attempts to kill Link,
the Hylian realizes he is wrong. Now, in the middle of a sweeping
drought across the land, Link must uncover just who... or what.... is
after him.
words |
MEGA-X See more of Mega-X's work in the Poetry
Section. |
- Link and Malon have been close friends for many
years, and Link falls in love with her. Malon's feelings are less than
mutual and Link discovers that his feelings may never be returned. A
situation that should be happy and joyful turns for the worst.
908 words |
- Link and the Zelda gang are royally upset about
the X-box. They decide to take action by suing Bill Gates and taking him
to court.
658 words |
- After his battles in Termina, Link finally
returns home to reclaim the manhood that he had to give up.
1,253 words |
- Link has a strange dream about the Lost Woods,
and he meets another person who has had the exact same dream. In order
to protect the forest, Link and his friend must find a magical amulet
that keeps the demons at bay, and they have one day to do it.
1,436 words |
Midgetboysk8 |
- A novelization of Ocarina of Time. This story goes into much more
detail and explores the events before the game started.
words |
Mosli |
- Link has remembers things from his past, the
many adventures he has taken, and the many things he has done. But now
the future haunts him. He is unsure of his feelings for Zelda, and she
is as equally unsure about him. What will happen as this story unfolds?
1,884 words |
- Some strange force entices a huge stampede of
horses in Hyrule. Link must use his every resource to stop the horses
before they cause serious damage. But what about the thing that caused
this problem in the first place? Link will have many problems to face
from a disgruntled enemy.
2,485 words |
- The people of Hyrule, teamed with the Zoras
create a massive sailing ship with hopes to finally explore the many
lands beyond Hyrule. While Link and others prepare for a journey of
discovery, a familiar man from a distant land contemplates his life. He
feels like he has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. What will
happen if these two worlds collide?
7,099 words |
- After all of his quests and adventures, Link
wishes that none of it had ever happened in the first place.
2,522 words |
- Our hero with an attitude takes a wrong turn in
his quest to save Termina. Caught between it is a bunch of twists and
twisted situations. He soon encounters bizarre characters (not from
Hyrule, obviously) willing to help or 'not help' in his newfound
adventure, including a bad-mouthed squirrel that cannot be judged by his
cute looks willing to help his soon-to-be friend and lighten the mood of
his boring saga. Armed with egos and bazooka-packed attitudes, Link and
his furry partner try to stop the moon from falling by any, and I mean
ANY, means possible. It'll not be easy as it looks, for somebody else is
involved in the evil plot other than Majora, somebody who knows the
furry squirrel very, very well. WARNING: Contains adult language.
words |
Neo X2 |
- Link is deperately battle to save himself from
one of the most powerful forces in the universe: a crazy, desperate
woman. He ends up joining forces with an unexpected ally to battle this
5,936 words |
- A strange reptilian creature is terrorizing the
countryside, leaving farm animals horribly mutilated. It's up to Link
and his new ally to catch this monster. Reminiscent of the legend of the
words |
Nightshade |
- There was once a Kokiri boy who was
relentlessly teased and tormented by his brethren. One day he
disappeared and never returned, and no one knew if he was dead or alive.
On a normal walk throught the forest, Link, Zelda, and Saria stumble
upon this boy, and the strange artifacts that he posesses.
words |
Ninkira |
- It's winter in the land of Holondrum, and the citizens await
the change of seasons, as the spirits of the seasons do their
1,282 words |
Nitron |
- An evil man named Mephysto has plans to capture
the Triforce and turn the world into his own evil realm. It tells of the
events that take place between Majora's Mask
and A Link to the Past. This is written as a
6,572 words |
- This is the novelization of the above story. It
has much more description than the play version.
20,201 words |
- This is a short preview to a story that is in
progess. An apprentice of Link's turns to the evil side and becomes
leader of the Gerudos. Now he is bent on coquest of Hyrule.
- This is also a preview of an upcoming story.
After saving the world of Termina from certain destruction, Link makes
it a point to return from time to time. But when he returns this time, a
strangely seductive woman has other plans for him.
Okichan |
- It's been a long thirteen years since
Ganondorfs banishment to the darker plane and eventual death, and the
Hero of Hyrule has come to rest with the adventures that followed. But
one night, a length of clouds darker then night roll over the plains of
Hyrule Field, bringing more then just rain in their wake.
30,241 words |
- Link and his mysterious companion head off from
Hyrule to find the answers to the strange and frightening events that
happened in their homeland. New friends and foes lie in wait
for their journey from their home.
52,594 words |
- Still searching for answers to the entity named
the Shadow, the companions head further west to discover the answer to
the mystery, and to find out the answers about their queen's
words |
OmniSplash |
- A short fic about Link's final battle with
Ganondorf and Ganon. Very detailed.
words |
Orion Miller |
- After spending about a year in Hyrule, Link's friend Kei is homesick and wants to go back to his homeland of Calatia. Link goes with him becuase he's curious and is your typical adventurer. Contains some adult language, an original character, and is a little alternate-universe.
words |
Patriot2k182 |
- Link is having a birthday party and Saria has
something special that she wants to tell him. However, evil forces are
lurking to destroy his new found happiness.
words |
Peter Norlund |
- Our heroes make a disturbing discovery in
Hyrule Field one day. They find a large, black stallion that
mysteriously resembles the one Ganondorf had. Could this be a sign of
his return?
words |
Pichu*Star |
- In an unusual turn of events, the King
betrothes Zelda to a man she has just met, in order to secure a
political alliance. Not fond with the idea of marrying a stranger, Zelda
tries to find out why her father did this, and discovers that there's
more going on than she thought.
words |
- A prequel to the above story. It tells of the life and history of Prince Nariff.
words |
Pika |
- Link is battling with Ganon, and questions why
he has frozen her into a statue. Link then gets his revenge by
demonstrating a power nobody knew he had.
564 words |
- A direct sequel to the above story. Link has
gone back in time to his old life, and now he must show Zelda his secret
all over again.
words |
Pogiforce14 |
- After being bitten by a new breed of monster,
Ruto learns that she has been poisoned and doesn't have long to live.
Link takes it upon himself to go on a perilous journey to collect the
materials necessary to save Ruto's life.
words |
RaiaGirl |
- After tragedy strikes, a young monarch finds
himself in the midst of one of the most difficult battles of his life.
But terrible anguish and his own lack of confidence could prove to be
his downfall--and the downfall of his entire race. Only one thing has
the chance of saving him before it's too late: a woman's
words |
Rebecca Kraft |
- Link's woman problems are affecting his
relationship with Zelda, and he doesn't know what to do about it. But a
sudden tragedy makes him realize how important his relationship is.
words |
Richforce |
- A crossover with the movie Willow. Willow finds
a Hylian baby girl who may be the key to Hyrule's future, but the forces
of darkness want to get her first.
words |
Richie S. |
- A short story about the origins of the Gerudo
race and why they are almost all females. Very interesting.
376 words |
- A crossover with the Sci-fi Channel show
"Farscape". Talyn and its crew crash land in Hyrule and their two worlds
772 words |
- Similar to the Gerudo Creation Epic, this short
story explains the origins of the Zora tribe.
576 words |
- Majora's Mask has been sealed in a chest and
buried in the ocean, but the evil force behind it won't rest so
words |
Ryo-chan |
- Ganondorf is seeking revenge for all the things
that have been done to him. He takes out his revnge not only on Hyrule,
but in the parallel world of Termina. With help from some new and
mysterious friends, Link must fight to save the world from Ganondorf's
wrath. However, Link realizes something about Ganondorf that he never
thought was possible. This has a surprising and touching ending.
16,757 words |
- A sequel to Ganondorf's
Shadow. A mysterious evil force has plans to emerge from its host
and become an independent corporeal being. The spirit's plan is
manifested as a sickness to the former foe of Hyrule, and Link and his
friends must race against time to save their former enemy.
24,155 words |
- This story takes place before Ocarina of Time, when Zelda is seven years old.
She meets and befriends a strange creature that has been held prisoner
in another dimension. Zelda brings out a side of this monster that no
one has ever seen, and it must conquer its own demons before it is
destroyed in the name of good.
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Sage of Darkness
See more of Sage of Darkness's work in the Poetry
Section. |
- This is the story about Link and Zelda's
daughter, Nobelyn. The author has a lot planned for this story, and it
looks good so far.
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Sage of Ice |
- Zelda has been struck by a vision of Ganon's
return. Link must bring the sages together for another battle, but
what's this about the TruForce?
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Sage of Silence |
- Zelda berates herself for all the hardships she
made Link go through, but she also laments at the fact that she must
send him back in time.
words |
Sapphira |
- What starts out as a simple plan to find Link a
bride turns into another quest to save the world, as some cryptic and
ancient prophecies begin to come true.
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Saria Kokiri
See more of Saria Kokiri's work in the Fan Art
Section. |
- The children of Zelda fulfill their destiny when
an evil force threatens Hyrule. The children are the new incarnations of
the legendary heroes.
words |
Savieboy |
- Somewhere in a reclusive land, there lives
forces of evil that make Ganondorf pale in comparison. Also living there
is a namless boy who has been imprisoned for as long as he can remember.
When the boy manages to escape to Hyrule, Link and his comrades must
defeat a force that could destroy them all.
words |
Scott Gauley |
- A boy who possesses strange abilities and comes
from our world gets sucked into Hyrule by an evil demon.
6,112 words |
- With the help of one of his evil underlings,
Ganon escapes from his prison in the evil realm, and attempts to kinap
Zelda and take over Hyrule. It is up to Link and his new friend Alexi to
stop him. Sequel to The Partner.
11,329 words |
- The Trojyman, Hyrule's equivalent of the
Boogieman, is terrorizing children everywhere. It's up to Link and Alexi
to save all the children.
words |
Sensei |
- The Heroes of Takkan.. They were mighty people,
both physically and mentally.. However, there was a legend.. It
said that when The Hero of Time came back from saving two worlds, he
would have to save Hyrule once more.. The Heroes of Takkan would be
sealed into a horrid prison, while The Hero of Time's most feared enemy
would return..
words |
Shogun |
- The story of Nabooru's personal struggle against
the brainwashing techniques of Twinrova.
1,235 words |
Shadow Link |
- Legends tell of a mysterious counterpart to the
Hero of Time, who, unbeknownst to others, assisted the Hero in his
travails. But an old enemy returns and this simple partnership may
suddenly end...or never exist in the first place.
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Shelly Byrne
See more of Shelly's work in the Poetry
Section. |
- A woman named Anya, who lives in Kakariko
Village, comes home to discover her town is under attack by the Gerudos.
She must hurry back to her house to save her baby. With nowhere else to
go, she takes her baby to the Kokiri forest, where she learns that her
child is destined for great things.
1,021 words |
- Impa tells Link of a previously unknown prophecy
foretelling the destruction of Hyrule. An evil force will rise up and
try to destroy everything, and he is the only one who stands in its way.
words |
Silent Stalker |
- After an assasination attempt on Zelda, a
mysterious stranger appears literally out of thin air. He becomes their
bodyguard and protector against a familiar evil force.
1,811 words |
- A direct continuation of the above story, the
new guardian must battle to protect the lives of the ones he swore to
protect. This story has a lot of interesting plot twists to it.
Defnintely worth a read.
4,119 words |
- Link and Zelda's new guardian returs in another
adventure. This time they must deal with an evil dragon that is bent on
capturing all the sages and destroying Hyrule.
5,729 words |
- The characters from Silent Stalker's previous
stories return for a new adventure. The evil Arek is obssessed with
Zelda and feels resentful that she chose Link. Now all he wants is
revenge on her and everyone around her.
8,158 words |
- People around Hyrule seem to be acting
strangely... Our heroes find out that the evil Ganondorf is planning a
new scheme, this time using sinister doubles to do his dirty work.
words |
Smithy64 |
- Ganondorf launches an invasion of Hyrule in
order to obtain an ancient scroll that tells of an artifact more
powerful than the Triforce. The scroll tells of a powerful warship
created in the distant past that has the power to destroy everything.
WARNING: Contains graphic
descriptions of violence.
words |
See more of Solowolf15's work in the Poetry
Section. |
- Hyrule is invaded by a lethal phobist who is
feeding on the fears of Hyrule's subjects. Can Link, our brave Hero,
defeat the monstrosity before it defeats him, or will Link know what he
truly fears?
words |
Sparky the Seventh Chaos
See more of Sparky's work in the Poetry
Section. |
- Navi holds a meeting of the Annoying Game
Characters Club in Link's house. Madness ensues.
words |
Spirit of Halo |
- A man named Sage from fourteenth century
Scotland mysteriously finds himself in the world of Hyrule. He becomes a
soldier fighting a war against the evil Ganon. But Ganon has much more
insidious plans than a simple attack.
18,875 words |
- An evil force threatens to escape its
imprisonment. Not only is Hyrule in danger, but also a far away kingdom
from another world. Fierce warriors from this parallel world must join
forces with Link and Hyrule's army to battle another invasion.
63,069 words |
- Ganon has returned to wreak havoc once again,
but this time it's in Hyrule's future. A new generation of heroes must
fight a new form of terror.
words |
Stephen Young |
- In order for Link and Zelda to be with their
true loves, they must go on a quest to find four mystical flowers that
have the power to grant them what they so desire.
1,123 words |
- Strange dreams alert Link to problems
surrounding the Spiritual Stones. On his quest to rescue the stones from
a theif, he discovers that Ganondorf once again has plans to take over.
words |
Super Nova Gurl
See more of Super Nova Gurl's work in the Poetry
Section. |
- Link is riding Epona in an unknown land and he
is unsure of what he'll find there.
words |
Takeda |
- On one of his many journeys, Link hears about a
group of demons called the Omegeons. Worried that a group of people may
release these monsters, Link travels to a far away land to seek out the
mythical Omegeons.
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The Unnamed Author |
- After his adventures, Link lives a trite and
meaningless life. Lonely and without friends, one night he tries to take
his own life. Can someone help him mend his broken heart?
words |
Timmy Blackthorn |
- The story of how Link saved the world from the
evil Foe and his ally Bad Guy. This is an interesting spoof of Zelda.
It's chock full of low-brow humor, political incorrectness, and genera
words |
Tobiasrulz |
- There really aren't words I can use to describe
this particular story. All I can say is that it is a must read. The
unnamed daughter of Ganondorf grows up alone and living in a pit, not
knowing who she is or where she came from. And she lacks the one thing
that everyone takes for granted: memory. She has no memories of her
past, of her family, or of anything. The one opportunity when she gets
to regain her memories may end up being the best or worst thing that has
ever happened to her. If you're an emotional person, I recommend keeping
a kleenex handy.
words |
Toffee Chai |

- Link, Zelda and Malon learn a valuable lesson about trust and that taking gossip seriously can have unecessary consequences.
2,776 words |
Tyler |
- Link fights a person of pure evil, who is more
connected to Link than he could ever imagine. This evil man summons
forces of darkness to destroy Hyrule, and the only way Link can save
Hyrule is with the legendary Master Sword. However, in retrieving the
Master Sword, Link and Hyrule suffer unforseen consequences.
words |
Understatement |
- What if you were trapped in another being's
body? If there was no way out and the second you fell asleep, it
happened? Several murders have been occurring in Hyrule and the victims
are slain and partially eaten. When an attempt on Zelda's life is made,
it is up to Link to find the killer. He learns just what is wrong with
the poor soul and is determined to help him. Link/Zelda pairing.
10,575 words |
- Link and Zelda are in love. What they want more
than anything is to be left alone to live their lives in peace without
dealing with the problems of being in two different social groups. To
stop the pair of lovers from running off, Zelda's father calls for his
former soldier to take care of it. The great warrior has a horiffic past
however which is why he was banished from hyrule.
words |
- All the girls in Link's life all want him as
their own, and Link in turn loves all of them. They all have the problem
of deciding who Link will spend the rest of his life with. The girls
come up with a plan to help Link decide. WARNING: Contains some sexual
words |
- A boy from the modern world has a strange
vision. He is told by Ganondorf that he is a hero destined to fight him.
The boy has no idea why this is so, but he feels compelled to carry out
his vision. Formerly titled A New Beginning.
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The Wind Sage |
- Life seems to be going just fine for Link, until
he comes across a strange letter that literally appeared out of thin
air, and claims to originate in the future.
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The Writer |
- Malon reads an ancient tale of chivalry and
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Xaven |
- The taste of blood has never been sweeter. Princess Zelda is trying to help out
when a killing spree mysteriously pops up. Is Link not telling her something?
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